Stop ruminating Stop worrying about “if only” and “what if?”. Instead, refocus on what’s right in front of you.
Do yourself a favour by doing favours for others The art of helping people in meaningful ways – without burning out.
Don’t let FOBO paralyse you Is FOBO paralysing your ability to make decisions? Get unstuck with these 5 strategies.
Challenge the Status Quo To stay competitive in a dynamic market, we must embrace bold thinking and be willing to shake things up
Don’t be a rambling leader Stop dominating the dialogue. When it comes to holding your listeners’ attention, less is more.
Pre-mortem might save your project from failure Apply the 20/20 clarity of hindsight to predict future obstacles
Stop wasting your team’s time Leaders frequently waste their employees’ valuable time, through a series of unwitting but costly mistakes
Judging others but excusing ourselves Fundamental Attribution Error causes you to make snap judgments and assume the worst about people
Become a better learner Overcome your resistance to learning new things – it’ll make you a better leader