Communication Culture Building cultural fluency Hone your cultural intelligence to form strong, effective working relationships across geographies
Culture Leadership Adopt the Genchi Genbutsu approach “Go and see for yourself” reveals a truer picture and helps leaders to make better decisions.
Leadership The voice of leadership Find your voice as a leader to gain in influence and effectiveness
Careers Is zig-zagging for you? The potential of a zig-zagging career - for individuals, as well as for the organisation
Culture Leadership Navigating the messy middle Endure valleys and optimise peaks during the turbulent middle phase of your bold new venture
Careers Learning Getting better at dealing with rejection Actively seek out the pain of rejection in order to immunise yourself against it.
Culture Learning Learn with colleagues through jugyokenkyu Use this collaborative Japanese technique to boost professional development
Careers Leadership How to deal with imposter syndrome Embrace your self-doubt to become a better leader and a happier person
Careers Can you turn your shortcoming into an advantage? Could your “weakness” actually be a competitive advantage in disguise?
Leadership Productivity Learning from Rendanheyi Haier’s radical management model, designed for the Internet age, cuts through bureaucracy and allows innovation to shine through.
Learning Becoming better How to get better at getting better, because what got you here won’t get you there